A partnership with EMpowered People at our Riverside Centre project means we have achieved an initial investment of £1.2m to improve facilities and to allow their all ability cycling charity to base themselves on the site adding to the inclusiveness of local and visiting users. The funding is part of the Town Deal investment plan for Todmorden.
Simon Lord, founder of Empowered People, said “Being based at Riverside gives us the ability to create a centre of excellence which will enable people with disabilities to come and enjoy the benefits of inclusive cycling in a relaxing environment.”
Peter Hirst, Community development director for UCVR, said, “We are absolutely delighted that all this hard work has paid off. Riverside will be able to offer so many more facilities and activities to the whole community instead of the limited user activities we inherited. This means that as an activity and learning centre it can become self-sufficient”.
UCVR and EMpowered People have to provide a full business case by August 2022 to draw down the funding over the next three years.
Peter Hirst added, “Not only will we draw on this fund, but it allows us the opportunity to lever in significant funding from other sources”