Blog Page 4
UCVR response to the valley-wide flooding
As I write, the big clear up is underway up and down the Calder Valley. Our businesses are focussed on clearing out the debris...
Report from the Chair – Where do we go from here?
In 2014 the active members of the UCVR steering group took a long hard look at the organisation. There were many positive achievements in...
The Upper Calder Valley Renaissance Conference: Taking Stock and Looking Forward
This report summarises the presentations made by the three Keynote
Conference Speakers and goes on to set out the findings from the Workshop
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A feasibility report on the future of Todmorden Markets
A report on the opportunities and challenges facing the Todmorden Markets and an exploration of alternative operating models for the future
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Todmorden Town Plan 2013
At the start of 2011 Todmorden Town Council embarked on the production of a Town Plan. It wanted to identify the main issues that...
Todmorden Town Centre Development Brief 2008
A Development Brief for securing the redevelopment of Todmorden Town centre following public and stakeholder consultation, the approval of the Board and then endorsement...
UCVR Master Plan 2004
This 25 year plan was created around a sophisticated community consultation process which served as a catalyst for local people to come together, to...