93% Say NO! to £1 Parking Fees

Thank you to all those who completed our survey to gauge a response to Calderdale council’s announcement that they were considering significant increases in the parking fees in the Upper Valley. Having worked so closely with Calderdale since the floods, on behalf of the businesses in planning a long-term recovery, we were extremely surprised at the timing of the announcement. Our concerns about this effect on recovering business (economically and on morale) are reflected in the comments of some 200 respondents.

Cockroft Communal Garden Project

Residents of Cockcroft and Wilkinson House in Lydgate have completed a project to create an outside community space, where they can meet and socialise...

Partnership with EMpowered People brings £1.2m Investment

A partnership with EMpowered People at our Riverside Centre project means we have achieved an initial investment of £1.2m to improve facilities and to...

Elland Businesses – what they want from networking events

Following the recent informative survey results from Todmorden and Sowerby Bridge, we have now concluded a business survey of Elland. Whilst there are some...

What is our strategy for Business Recovery in the Upper Calder...

Bring hope - with a plan Build business confidence – by support and mentoring, Achieve recovery – by promotions and inward investment ...

Expert free help on offer to local businesses

Businesses affected by flooding in Todmorden can now get free help to make themselves stronger and more successful.

“Harry and the Flood” children’s book project hosted by UCVR

A unique story evolved from the Flooding of the Upper Calder Valley on Boxing Day 2015.

Sowerby Bridge Businesses – what they want from networking events

Following the success of our pilot survey in Todmorden, in October 2017, we agreed with the Calderdale business team to repeat the survey in...

Results of our Flood Impact Survey

Within two days of the floods which hit the Upper Calder Valley we asked businesses to respond to a flood impact survey. Despite their...

Report from the Chair – Where do we go from here?

In 2014 the active members of the UCVR steering group took a long hard look at the organisation. There were many positive achievements in...

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